Knowledge is Power: Google Analytics & Metrics

Google Analytics presents you with a series of metrics that can tell you so much about your business website. It reveals many KPIs, including:

      • Real-time web traffic
      • Daily/weekly/monthly web traffic
      • Conversion tracking
      • Click-through-rate
      • Bounce rate
      • Average time spent on your website
      • How many interactions a visitor makes with your site

The list goes on, and you can already see how knowing these things can be highly beneficial. So, let’s review the top benefits of using Google Analytics for business owners and marketers:

View your website’s performance

Primarily, Google analytics does a great job of letting you see how well your website performs. This is mainly done by tracking your conversions. While other metrics are important, the main one to worry about is how well your site converts. If you’ve got traffic flowing and hardly any conversions, your website isn’t performing to its potential. So, you can use analytics to track conversions, set goals, and see if your site improves.


Learn about people’s first responses

Google Analytics also does a great job of helping you learn how people respond as soon as they land on your site. This is reflected in the bounce rate – if your rate is high, it means lots of people land on your site and leave before doing anything. It tells you that you’re giving off a terrible first impression. Not only that, but you can use the data to see bounce rates for different landing pages. In turn, you can view the pages and make tweaks/run tests to see if the bounce rate improves. Overall, it’ll help you reach a point where fewer people leave your site right away, potentially encouraging more conversions.

Analytics and Metrics


About the Author


I’ve always believed that each business is unique. Bringing this view to Mars Digital means we take the time to understand you and your business before going away, doing the research and coming back to you with our thought out recommendations and the reasoning behind them.

For me, it’s all about building a mutually beneficial partnership.

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See where your users come from

Another benefit of GA is that you can use it to learn where your web traffic comes from. Do they come via search engines? If so, which terms do they search to find you? This can help with keyword research, letting you fine-tune your SEO strategy. You’ll also see if they come from social media or emails, giving you more information to fuel these digital marketing strategies as well. As a result, you can make your money go a lot further as you know where to invest it to see the best results. For instance, the data you get may show nobody comes to your site via LinkedIn. So, you can completely eradicate that side of social media marketing, saving time and money.


Improve your conversions

We’ve mentioned it a few times already, but the overall benefit of tracking metrics is that you can improve your conversions. GA can be used to track conversions, helping you make more sense of what generates the best conversion rate for your website. In turn, you can use all of this data for conversion rate optimisation, ensuring you convert more visitors every day.



This creates a situation where your website is a conversion machine, making the most out of all the traffic it gets. Google Analytics is so beneficial as you can use the metrics to overhaul your website and make it work for your business goals. If you don’t utilise it, you won’t know anything about your website and can waste lots of time and money on things that simply don’t lead to results!


Marketing out of this world