The Benefits of Email Marketing

As a small business owner in New Zealand, it’s important to stay competitive in today’s digital landscape. One way to do this is through effective marketing strategies, and email marketing is a valuable tool to consider. In fact, it’s an important part of any content strategy which we discussed last week.

At Mars Digital, we offer two marketing packages that include email marketing to help small businesses in New Zealand reach their target audience and grow their customer base: the Galactic Marketing Package and the Cosmic Marketing Package. Both packages include email marketing as a core component, and for a good reason.


Increased Reach

Email marketing allows you to reach a wide audience at a low cost. Unlike traditional marketing methods, you don’t have to worry about the expenses associated with printing and mailing physical materials. With email marketing, you can send messages directly to your subscribers’ inboxes at the click of a button.

Higher Conversion Rates

Email marketing has been shown to have higher conversion rates compared to other marketing channels. When someone subscribes to your email list, they are expressing a clear interest in your business and are more likely to make a purchase. Additionally, personalized emails have been shown to have even higher conversion rates, as they show that you value your customers and are tailoring your messages specifically to them.

Easily Trackable

One of the major benefits of email marketing is the ability to track and measure the success of your campaigns. With tools like Google Analytics, you can see how many people opened your emails, clicked on links, and made purchases. This allows you to see what’s working and what’s not, and make adjustments to your strategy as needed.

Email Sequences; what are they?

Email sequences are a series of automated emails that are sent to a specific group of recipients over a period of time. They are often used in email marketing campaigns to nurture leads, educate customers, or promote products or services. An email sequence can be set up to send a series of emails at predetermined intervals, such as every day, every week, or every month. Each email in the sequence can contain different content and be targeted towards a specific goal, such as encouraging a purchase or providing valuable information.

One common use of email sequences is in lead nurturing campaigns, where the goal is to turn a lead into a customer. In this case, the email sequence might include emails that provide more information about the product or service, case studies or testimonials from satisfied customers, and special offers or discounts. Email sequences can also be used to educate customers about a product or service, provide updates or news about a company or industry, or promote upcoming events or sales.

Overall, email sequences can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to effectively communicate with and engage their audience. They allow businesses to deliver targeted and personalized messages to their customers over an extended period of time, which can help to build relationships and drive conversions.

About the Author


I’ve always believed that each business is unique. Bringing this view to Mars Digital means we take the time to understand you and your business before going away, doing the research and coming back to you with our thought out recommendations and the reasoning behind them.

For me, it’s all about building a mutually beneficial partnership.

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The Galactic Marketing Package

Our Galactic Marketing Package is perfect for small to medium businesses looking to take their email marketing to the next level. In addition to your standard email marketing, this package includes email sequences, social media marketing, search engine optimisation, pay-per-click campaigns (Google Ads, Facebook and Instagram), and website design services. This comprehensive approach helps your business reach a wider audience, drive more traffic to your website and ultimately generate more leads.

The Cosmic Marketing Package

If you’re looking for a cheaper but still very comprehensive marketing solution, our Cosmic Marketing Package is the way to go. Compared with the Galactic Marketing Package, this package includes PPC advertising and content marketing at the same standard but you lose out of the email marketing sequences. This allows you to target specific keywords and reach even more potential customers.



Email marketing is a powerful tool for small businesses in New Zealand looking to reach a wider audience and drive sales. At Mars Digital, we offer two packages that include email marketing as a core component, along with other digital marketing services. Whether you choose the Galactic Marketing Package or the Cosmic Marketing Package, you can trust that our team of experts will help your business succeed.


Marketing out of this world