Boost your website’s performance and outrank your competitors with the 7 best web development tools. Enhance functionality, design, and SEO. Find out more!
The Benefits of Using Chatbots for Customer Service
Learn how chatbots can benefit small businesses in New Zealand by saving time and costs, providing personalised service, and improving the customer experience. Get an overview of recent improvements in AI technology and discover the potential future of online chat.
AI in Digital Marketing: How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionising the Industry
Discover how artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the landscape of digital marketing. From chatbots and AI writing tools to image and video editing software, learn about the ways that AI is being used to enhance the effectiveness of digital marketing efforts. Find out how AI can help businesses and marketers save time and effort, create more engaging campaigns, and better understand their target audiences.
How to Use Video Marketing to Increase Brand Awareness
Video marketing is a powerful tool for increasing brand awareness and engaging with your target audience. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of video marketing and provide tips on how to use it effectively. Discover how to create compelling video content, optimize your videos for search, and measure the success of your campaigns. Boost your brand awareness and reach new customers with the power of video marketing.
The End of an Era: Google Analytics GA4 to Replace UA
Learn about the upcoming transition from Universal Analytics (UA) to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and how it will affect businesses and organisations currently using UA codes to track their website data. Find out what the main differences are between UA and GA4, and the steps businesses need to take to prepare for the transition.
Is Having A Unique and Strong Username and Password The Most Strategic Way to Secure Data?
Nowadays, privacy is a strong word but hardly practiced. Especially now, that we are being invaded by digital and virtual inventions, our personal data is exposed to everyone. This is why using a strong and unique set of username and passwords are critical. During...
Five Shifts In Education That Will Influence The Future Of Learning
A Note from Matthew Edwards 2020 had a major effect on everybody, no matter what industry you’re in, we were all forced to adapt. In the last couple of months or so I’ve personally been speaking with several individuals in the education space. So it seemed only...
Knowledge is Power: Google Analytics & Metrics
Tracking metrics via Google Analytics has many benefits for website owners and digital marketers. Read on to find out how you can take advantage.
Ship Smarter & Grow Faster with StarShipIt
Forget chaotic, tedious or painful fulfilment processes; Starshipit has everything you need to effortlessly manage your online orders so you can spend more time working on your business, not in it. Starshipit is the leading provider of integrated and automated...